
Zverovatost Laïka de Siberie occidentale

Laïka de Siberie occidentale


laika de siberie occidentale
The light built and fast Laikas of the Voguls(Mansi people) were known in Russia since very old time. The native people, as well as the Russians of Ural and West Siberia kept similar dogs long before they became registered as purebreds under the name West Siberian Laika.

The West Siberian Laika was established by selective sampling of aboriginal dogs of Mansi(Vogluks) and Hanty(Ostyak). These Mansi and Hanty dogs attracted Russian hunters because of their exceptional hunting ability, size, strength, endurance and extraordinary beauty.

In the beginning two groups of the West Siberian Laika were formed:
First group originated from a male named Grozny in Sverdlovsk 1930. He sired many outstanding dogs that were transferred to individual hunters and Government owned kennels. This group remained very important before and after World War II.

The second purebred West-Siberian Laikas originated in the twentieth in Moscow. A Hanty type male named Mishka was born in 1924 from dogs of Obdorsk. Other important dog were Ulf and Ural, female Damka etc.

Other groups of purebred West Siberian Laikas were formed in Gorky, Perm and Novosibirsk.

During this period Sherehesky obtained the most important dogs and used them or breeding. He was a leader o a team working in the government’s kennel of all union research institute for hunting industry. . In 1944 a bitch named Panda and a male named Borka were brought from the Khanty Mansi National Province and were not related, but had the typical conformation of aboriginal West Siberian Laikas. The total number of puppies raised in this kennel was about 400 including the first, second, third and fourth generation. The majority o these puppies were distributed among the individual hunters of different provinces of Russia to create more sources o quality West Siberian Laikas.

Sherehesky describes his West Siberain Laikas as follows:
Body structure is strong
Temperament is well balanced, but lively and alert
Height at shoulder 55 – 60
Coat is well developed with thick undercoat
Body is well developed with deep and long chest
Head very typical of the breed
Appearance o dogs of the Borka-Panda strain of the West-siberian Laika is characterised by the so called “Zverovatost” what means a wolf like look, a particular primitive similarity to the wild ancestors that is characteristic of Laikas in general. The hunting reflex is strongly developed

The West Siberian Laikas includes both types the Mansi and Hanty Laika. There are dogs with a narrow elongate head, long muzzle and race build head and there are dogs with a shorter muzzle, broad occipal part o the head and compact and sturdy body. Using both types helps to maintain a health genetic diversity within the breed.

The question is how one breed standard can support two slightly different types in breed? It was possible, because the choice of dogs for breeding was based on the diligently tested hunting capabilities, as well on the conformation. The FCI standard 306 is for the West-Siberian Laika.
laika de siberie occidentale
Laika de siberie occidentale Character

The west Siberian Laika is affectionate and devoted to his owner. The majority of them bark at a strangers approaching the house and the attitude to unfamiliar people varies individually and depends on the situation. Some dogs first bark and then greeting the guest, but some can be proactive to their master.

During the adult life of dogs, younger dogs, especially males, will challenge older males and try to resolve their problems by fighting. Generally, dogs belonging to one household and raised together since puppy live in peace with in other. However, relationships among males introduced to each other as adult may remain tense for their lifetime.

The West Siberian Laika is a good fighter, but he has not the desire or killing another dog. His reason for fighting is only to establish the dominance or defend something important as defend their territory against an intruder dog of same sex, favourite toy, food, female in heat, etc.

He is primarily a hunting dog, so ever one who decides on a puppy of this breed should expect a full package of traits of a typical hunting Spitz. It is an emotional dog, very observant to the habits of its master and everything happening in his surrounding.

The West Siberian Laika likes and needs freedom for physical activities like hunting, hiking, running etc. If a West Siberian Laika is used for hunting, it is a great potential to have a happy dog, but his happiness is never complete if he is not a member of the family. He is a poor kennel dog: If the dog is left alone, locked up in a small backyard or kennel they develop a habit of barking, digging holes, destroying things, climbing over the fence etc.

He is a good companion dog for on a hiking trip. However, its extraordinary interest in wildlife demands special attention, because the dog may tree some animals or go for a hunt so stay away from you for some time.